Yeditepe University European Studies MA Program is a graduate program that aims to provide students with an equipped academic environment to learn about and interpret various relations and policies of Europe, the European Union and related countries. By adopting a multidisciplinary approach, a curriculum was created which can be followed by the students from different disciplines as well as social and political sciences.
European Studies MA program with thesis is a program that plans to train graduates with comprehensive knowledge on issues such as identity politics, environment and climate policies, foreign policy, political communication and media, integration, agricultural policies in the European Union, and provides a well-equipped environment and curriculum for this. Multidisciplinary studies are encouraged in the program, and courses are given in the above-mentioned areas and in many different areas related to European Union policies.
The duration of the MA program with thesis is two years. It is aimed that our students take courses in the first two semesters and write and defend their thesis in the last two semesters (third and fourth semesters).
Thesis and non-thesis MA degrees are offered in the field of European Studies.
No, the language of instruction of the European Studies thesis/non-thesis MA program is English.
Students in the program can do internship within their education if they wish.
Our graduates may have many different career opportunities in the public or private sector. They can find job opportunities in various ministries, international organizations, private companies and non-governmental organizations.
In our MA program with thesis, courses are offered in areas such as the European Union, international relations and scientific research methods. For example, the following courses are in the list of compulsory courses of the program.
● POLS521 – European Union and Turkey
● EUI510 – European Union Politics and Policies
● FEAS501 – Research Methodology and Ethics
● EUI599 – Thesis
There is also a large pool of elective courses covering various topics in the field of European studies. Some of our elective courses are as follows:
• EUI503 European Integration: Key Theories and Issues
• EUI504 Security in European Union
• EUI505 Identity Politics in European Union
• EUI507 European Union Foreign Policy
• EUI508 European Union International Crisis
• EUI509 European Union's Economic Practices
• EUI521 Legal Aspects of European Union Politics
• EUI530 European Union Energy Policies
• EUI532 European Union Agricultural and Development Policies
• EUI535 European Union Environmental and Climate Policies
• EUI541 Public Opinion in European Union
• EUI543 Political Communication and Media in European Union
• EUI546 Survey Design in European Studies
• EUI549 European Union's Practices of Democracy
• POLS515 Theories of International Relations
• POLS548 European Values and Democratic Participation
• POLS558 Issues in Middle East
• POLS520 Globalization and Regionalization in World Politics
• POLS526 Current Issues in World Politics
• POLS525 International Law and Organizations
• POLS536 Turkish Foreign Policy
Scientific Preparation:
● It will be determined whether the scientific preparation will continue by looking at the undergraduate or graduate degrees of the students who have received an education other than Political Science, International Relations, and Public Administration. Some of the courses offered for our students who need to take Scientific Preparation courses are as follows:
● POLS517 – History of International Relations
● POLS518 – Introduction to Political Science
● POLS555 – Introduction to International Relations
● POLS522 – Comparative Politics
Students who will apply to the program are expected to meet the following conditions first.
● A bachelor's degree from an institution with national and international equivalence.
● A minimum score of 55 and above from any type of score in ALES for MA programs with Thesis.
● For English language proficiency, to have YÖKDİL entered in the last five years, 55 from YDS or 66 points from TOEFL entered in the last two years, or to graduate from an undergraduate program whose language of instruction is 100% English.
Scholarship opportunities are available.
In the European Studies MA Program with Thesis, students in the thesis program must write their thesis in accordance with the thesis writing rules determined by the Senate and defend it orally in front of the jury in order to be successful. After the thesis defense exam is completed, the student who is found successful by the jury is entitled to receive a master's degree with a thesis in European Studies. Non-thesis master's students, on the other hand, must prepare a term project and be successful in the term project.
At the same time, our students have the opportunity to participate closely and contribute to the research process in the projects of our faculty members.
Our students can continue their education in Political Science, International Relations, Public Administration, European Studies, Cultural Studies and similar doctoral programs.