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Elective List

Ders Adı Quantitative Methods For Systems Engineering II 604

Semester Güz

Ders Tipi Zorunlu

Teori 3

Kredi 3


Dersin Açıklaması
This course is dedicated to the coverage of important methods and tools required for model-based systems engineering, particularly for design of complex systems. Topics include the following: developing system performance measures; modeling for system design; modeling process; analytical model toolbox; Monte Carlo modeling and simulation; causal-loop modeling; graphical process modeling; simulation tools for systems engineers (live, virtual, and constructive simulations; real-time versus non-real-time simulations; aggregate, entity, and engineering level simulations; rule-based simulations; agent-based and multi-agent-based simulations); an overview of software systems engineering. Applications from manufacturing, process, and service systems are presented. Students will be expected to prepare and present research papers